How Can You Help?
Pray for the event. That the gospel would be shared and received and spread throughout the community. That His name would be praised, and all glory given to God!
We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to help be His hands and feet, as there are many facets to having a festival organized and running smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering and being a part, please contact us!
We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization, and 100 % of all funds go directly into organizing and running the festival. We currently have a campaign fundraiser set up on Give Send Go. The link is here if you feel lead to donate online. We want this event to be free for all to attend, so no admission is required to attend the event. We will have Christ-centered live music, prayer, independent food vendors, activities, etc. More details will be coming soon.
Spread the Word.
We want to reach as many people possible. We ask that you would share this page, share on fb, invite your family and friends, and check back here for updates!